Introducing the Memory Process File System for PCILeech

The Memory Process File System for PCILeech is an easy and convenient way to quickly look into memory dumps. The processes in a memory dump and their virtual memory should be mapped as files and folders in less than a second.

Click around the processes, look at their memory maps and corresponding virtual memory! Oh - if you run it in live mode with a supported PCILeech FPGA device you'll be able to write to memory as well! Super convenient if your target system employs software based anti-forensic or anti-cheating functionality since this is all handled in hardware on the target!

Using the Memory Process File System for PCILeech to explore Windows processes in a memory dump file.

Cool! So how do I try it out?
Check out and download PCILeech on Github. PCILeech is open source and totally free of charge! You'll find both source code and pre-compiled binaries on Github.

How does it work?
It works by parsing in-memory page tables which are used by the CPU to translate the virtual memory of a process into physical memory. Since page tables are hardware dependent this means that the Memory Process File System is able to map processes from all 64-bit operating systems running on x64 hardware, if the base of the process page table called PageDirectoryBase or PML4 or CR3 is known.

If parts of the page tables, or other process memory, doesn't exist in the memory, it may have been swapped out to the swap on disk, analysis of that part of memory will fail.

If analyzing Windows memory dumps additional analysis will be performed to identify running processes, modules and which memory regions they belong to.

What about Functionality and Limitations?
- The Memory Process File System is currently only supported when running PCILeech on Windows.
- x64 64-bit target operating systems only, no 32-bit, no ARM.
- Read-only mode on memory dump files, read-write mode if PCILeech FPGA is used on a live system.
- Automatic process identification only in Windows memory dumps.
- Automatic identification of EPROCESS, PEB and DLL addresses in Windows memory dumps.
- May fail on memory dumps taken from Virtual Machines, such as VirtualBox.
- May fail for various other reasons as well.

Looking at the Linux kernel by manually specifying a valid CR3 value (PageDirectoryBase/PML4).

How Forensically Secure is it?
Memory swapped out to disk will also be invisible to the Memory Process File System - there is no guarantee that everything will be mapped.

There is no way for user-mode malware to hide from the Memory Process File System though. Since the Memory Process File System analyzes page tables, which are used by the CPU and thus must remain in memory somewhat unobfuscated.

The Memory Process File System however employs some tricks to filter out what looks like invalid page tables. This means that malware running with kernel privileges may hide from the Memory Process File System at the moment

Acquiring Memory Dumps
If you have access to a PCILeech supported FPGA device this is the preferred acquisition method. Insert the PCILeech FPGA device in your target computer. Then identify the size of the physical memory address space. This is likely to be slightly larger than the amount of RAM in the computer. Do this by running the command "pcileech.exe probe". This will give an output similar to the one below. Here the maximum address 0x21E5FFFFF is important.
Enumerating target system memory with a PCILeech FPGA device (PCIeScreamer in image).
Now we are able to dump the memory. Dump using "pcileech.exe dump -v -force -max 0x21E5FFFFF -out my_dump.raw". The -force option tells PCILeech not to abort when it encounters unreadable memory, such as memory holes between 3-4 GB or memory protected with Vt-d.

DumpIt is a software one-click dumper that is easy to run. The older MoonSols DumpIt may however create corrupt memory dumps on more recent Windows 10 computers, hence it's recommended to use the more recent up-to-date Comae DumpIt or WinPMEM on Windows 10.

Comae DumpIt may be run in an elevated command prompt with the /t raw switch to create raw memory dumps. "DumpIt.exe /t raw dump.raw"

WinPMEM is a software memory dumping utility which is part of the Google Rekall memory forensics project on Github. You'll find a signed WinPMEM to download here. Execute, from an administrator elevated command prompt, "winpmem-2.1.post4.exe --format raw -o dump-pmem.raw.aff4". WinPMEM will dump to an .aff4 volume. Open this volume in 7-Zip and unpack the memory dump named PhysicalMemory.

Reading and Writing to Memory
Reading and writing to virtual memory can be done in two ways. Either open the vmem file in the process directory, which contains the whole process virtual memory, or open a file in the vmemd directory which contains individual virtual memory mappings. The memory map is found in the map file.
The memory map, vmem memory file and vmemd directory for the Notepad process.
If using PCILeech FPGA with a hardware based target the virtual memory files will be writable. Please note that writes go the the corresponding physical memory which may be shared between multiple processes! As an example, alterations written to ntdll.dll in one process is likely to be written into the ntdll.dll of all processes.
Looking at the notepad.exe virtual memory in hexedit in Ubuntu WSL.
When reading to, or writing to a kernel address, for example 0xFFFFF801'10000000 please open the vmem file in your favorite hex editor and navigate to the address as seen when cutting away the first four F's. That is 0xF801'1000000 in the example from above. The topmost 16-bits are what is called sign-extended so this won't matter. It's still the same address. This is done since Windows don't support file sizes above 63-bits (file size becomes negative).
Looking at notepads EPROCESS struct in kernel memory. Note that we look at it in the System process (PID 4) and that the leading four (4) FFFF are skipped from the address.

Special Files
The virt2phys file is a special always writable file. The first 64-bit value contains the virtual address and the second 64-bit value is the corresponding physical address. Whenever a new virtual address gets written the physical address will update.
notepads 0x7FF660160000 virtual address maps to the physical address 0x14C40D000.

The win-process file contains the address of the EPROCESS kernel struct that belongs to the process. Since the EPROCESS struct resides in kernel memory one must look for this one in the System (PID 4) process virtual memory.

The win-peb file contains the address of the PEB (Process Environment Block), which resides in process memory. The win-entry contains the process entry point, win-modules the modules (.dlls) in the PEB Ldr list.

The pml4 file contains the physical address of the PML4 a.k.a. the CR3 register a.k.a. the Page Directory Base.

The Future
The future of the Memory Process File System will depend on how useful it is. If useful I see a lot of possibilities, somewhat limited by time available to implement them. The Memory Process File System is not meant to become a serious forensic file system, that space will continue to be reserved by industry standard tools, such as the excellent Volatility. The Memory Process File System should nevertheless provide convenient easy-to use access if performing a quick analysis, or be helpful when patching live processes via DMA.

Comments, suggestions and ideas are very welcome. PCILeech in both source and binary distributions is found on Github.  Also check out Twitter for updated information and announcements.

Updated reference to Comae DumpIt.
The Memory Process File System is now released as a stand-alone separate project here.


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